Local pork taster pack
Local pork at a great price to see how good it is
Loin lamb chops
These chops come from the middle of the back of the lamb.
Mediterranean Chutney
Great with cold meats and cheeses
Mint Jelly
Wonderful accompaniment to lamb
Mixed pickle
The best pickles ever!!
Old English chunky Marmalade
A rich dark marmalade made with black treacle
Parmesan Reggiano
Parmesan Reggiano..Parmigiano-Reggiano is a very versatile cheese that has been widely used in cooking since ancient times. 250g portions
Peach and sultana Chutney
Great with cold meats and cheeses
Great with cold meats and cheeses
Pickled beetroot
The best pickles ever!!
Pickled onions
The best pickles ever!!